The Gains in Loss

Steve Saint recently had a spinal cord injury that, in one moment, changed everything.  His daily routine of developing tools for Christian tribal groups to reach their people and other tribes was interrupted by a piece of equipment he was testing that slammed him in the head and left him partially paralyzed.  In one moment the greatest gift we often overlook – the joy of a daily routine and having personal independence, was taken away.  Now he faced months, perhaps years of a daily routine of learning to move again and being dependent on others for so many things we take for granted.  With someone like Steve, a dedicated follower of Christ, such a moment comes with a needed clarity of what God was doing and wanting in his life. (View Steve Saint’s recovery videos here) Continue reading

Pregnant and I Know It!

I’ve always been pretty spoiled when it comes to my physical health.  I’ve never broken a bone (except for the time I put a hairline fracture in my nose when I was 5 because I tried to do a back flip off my brother’s bunk bed and landed on my face, but since no cast was involved, I figure it doesn’t count).  I’ve never been to the hospital for surgery or even to the doctor for anything more than the usual minor sicknesses that pop up on occasion for most healthy people.  So overall, I’ve had it really great.  Continue reading