Lygon’s Story

Taken from

On January 10, 2008, on winter break from college, 20-year-old Lygon Stevens perished in an avalanche while climbing Little Bear Peak in southern Colorado with her brother. Swept downhill over 1000 feet and buried under a mass of snow, she would not be recovered until late June when the snows melted. Her brother and climbing partner, Nick, also caught in the avalanche, miraculously survived the fall. Though injured, he heroically climbed the avalanche slide, hiking back eight miles over twenty hours to summon help. With him, he carried two precious possessions – their pocket camera and Lygon’s journal. Continue reading


I went to a family reunion last week, the third one we’ve had in four years. I must admit that when my cousin Bambi came up with the idea to start having these I wasn’t all that thrilled. I’d been gone from Ohio and from contact with extended family for over 25 years; we’d all gone our separate ways. And me being a non-fan of social events really didn’t want to go. But you know what helped? Facebook. Yes, Facebook. The social network. The place where the non-social can BE social. Facebook has helped bring the long-lost cousins back together. There are 50 of us. Yes, we come from a fertile bunch!! Continue reading

Pregnant and I Know It!

I’ve always been pretty spoiled when it comes to my physical health.  I’ve never broken a bone (except for the time I put a hairline fracture in my nose when I was 5 because I tried to do a back flip off my brother’s bunk bed and landed on my face, but since no cast was involved, I figure it doesn’t count).  I’ve never been to the hospital for surgery or even to the doctor for anything more than the usual minor sicknesses that pop up on occasion for most healthy people.  So overall, I’ve had it really great.  Continue reading